Student Handbook
- Absences, Tardies, and Attendance
- Arrival and Dismissal Times
- Behavior Expectations
- Change of Address / Phone Number
- Class Parties
- Communication
- Dress Code
- Electronic Devices
- Homework Guidelines
- In Case of Emergency
- Lost and Found
- Lunch Program
- Lunch Time
- Lunches and All Other Items
- Medical Information
- Office
Absences, Tardies, and Attendance
Absences, Tardies, and Attendance/Early Pickup
On-Line Absence Reporting Form
(408) 252-4798 ext 6 (24 hours)
Regular and prompt attendance is necessary in order for a student to progress satisfactorily and is also required by state law. Longer absences may be prevented if parents keep their children home at the first sign of illness.
When a child is absent or late for any reason, parents are asked to call the attendance hotline each day of the child’s absence or use the online Reporting an Absence.
If a student is out ill for 5 days or more, a doctor's note may be required before the student returns to school. After 7 or more non-consecutive absences due to illness during the school year, a doctor’s note is required to verify the illness. If your child has a temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher, they need to stay home until the temperature returns to normal (98.6) for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication. Your child is readmitted to school when she/he can safely be with others according to public health regulations. The child should be free of fever without fever-reducing medication and have no vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours before returning to school. You can get more information about this from your doctor.
State law requires that all absences be verified. Parents do not need to send a note once the office has been notified. If the office has not heard from parents, it is then necessary to call every parent we have not heard from.
We are required by law to monitor student absences and tardies. When a student has 3 or more unexcused absences or tardies, parents will be notified by letter of the legal attendance requirements. Continued absences or tardies may result in being asked to appear before the School Attendance Review Board (SARB).
Picking up students before dismissal time
Please do send an email to your child’s teachers. Please come into the office to check out your child. The office will call into the classroom for your child to come meet you in the office.
Arrival and Dismissal Times
Arrival Times – Playground supervision begins at 7:55 AM with the ringing of the first bell. Therefore, children are asked to arrive no earlier than 7:55 AM.
Dismissal Procedures for Primary Grades – To allow students to continue learning up to the dismissal bell, we ask parents to wait in either the primary area shade structure or the Multi-Purpose Room Hallway.
At 2:15 PM, a special bell will ring, signaling the OK for primary grade parents to move directly to their primary child’s classroom for the primary 2:15 dismissal.
Dismissal Procedures for Upper Grades - If you pick up a primary student and need to wait for an upper grade student, please wait at the first grade corridor lunch tables. Families waiting for an upper grade student may also wait at the Multi-Purpose Room Hallway. At 2:42, a special bell will ring, signaling the OK for upper grade parents to move directly to their upper grade child’s classroom for the 2:45 dismissal.
Please note that the area outside the GLC is very close to classrooms and so we ask that families do not wait there for students.
As always, we request that when students are dismissed from school (regardless of the time), they do not play on the playground, play structures or grass area. Learning is still taking place and staff supervision is not available.
Parking/Drop-off Areas – Parking at Lincoln is very limited. The back parking lot is for staff only. Please do not enter this area with your car due to safety concerns. Visitors & volunteers may park in the front lot. Parents are encouraged to participate in car pools, walk whenever possible, follow the directions of staff and parent traffic volunteers, and be courteous, thoughtful and safe whenever driving on campus. The circular drive by the Kindergarten classrooms is dedicated to buses in order to facilitate traffic in the student pickup area. Cars may NEVER be left unattended during student release times. We ask parents to stay in their cars, always move as far to the front of the “pick up” lane as possible, and wait for their children to come to them. There is only one lane for student drop-off/pick-up. Please, do not block the driveway or the red zone, as staff and emergency vehicles need to enter. Violation of stopping in the red zone may result in a ticket.
Valet Drop-off - As part of the Lincoln Traffic Safety Program, we offer a Valet service to assist students as they are dropped off in the front of the school each morning. Student Valet Monitors help to unload cars from approximately 7:50 to 8:10 AM. The purpose of this program is to facilitate traffic flow and safety. We encourage parents to use the Valet Program when driving is necessary. Please pull slowly all the way to the front of the loading zone before stopping to unload and remain in your vehicle. Students should exit to the right. Do not stop in the red zone to prevent blocking the driveway from staff or emergency vehicles. Cars stopping in the red zone may be ticketed.
Behavior Expectations
The staff at Lincoln is proud of the effort that students exhibit in maintaining positive behavior. Courteous, respectful behavior is expected at all times. Lincoln is an inclusive, welcoming school community. Playground games are open and no one will be excluded.
We are a Project Cornerstone school. Project Cornerstone is a program that strives to empower young people, parents, and school staff to improve school climate and create vibrant, caring communities of learners.
We expect learners to:
- Be safe.
- Be kind.
- Be respectful.
Toys, including but not limited to, trading cards, fidget spinners, balls, etc. should remain at home. These can be a distraction for students.
Change of Address / Phone Number
It is necessary for the office to be notified of any change in your address, home, work telephone, or cell number within 10 days of the change. All residency information is subject to verification. Valid proof of residence must be provided at the time of registration or when a change of residence occurs. Change of residence must be reported to the school office within ten (10) days. Failure to provide current residency information could result in the immediate withdrawal of your child.
When a student is moving from Lincoln, parents should notify the school a week in advance, if possible. We need the following information: your child’s name, new home address, name and address of the new school. The new school will request student records.
Class Parties
Back to School Night – During Back to School Night parents will have an opportunity to visit your child’s classroom. Teachers will present information about grade level expectations, instructional materials, the homework policy, and the overall curricular program for the school year. Teachers also will try to answer any general questions parents have. This is an evening for adults. Children are not invited to attend, though they are encouraged to attend our Open House in the spring. If you would like to speak to the teacher regarding concerns about your child, please schedule an appointment to talk with the teacher at another time.
Conferences with Teachers – Goal setting conferences for all parents are scheduled around the seventh week of school. Shortened days for students allow for teachers to meet with parents. Please arrive promptly for your conference appointment. If a conference is needed at any other time, please call or send a note to your child’s teacher. The students’ instructional time is very valuable; therefore, we ask that parents not interrupt the teachers during the regular school day.
M.E.S.H. Folders – M.E.S.H. stands for Message Exchange between School and Home. This is a weekly communication folder. Student work, and other informational notices will be sent home along with papers which students have completed that week. The M.E.S.H. folder encourages comments between parent and teacher and allows parents to observe the academic progress of the students. We ask that parents set aside some time each week to review the information in the M.E.S.H. folders. The folder needs to be signed and returned the next day. Notes to the teachers, lunch orders, etc. may be sent back to the school in the M.E.S.H.
Newsletter – The Lincoln Log is the school newsletter. It is sent electronically via email or can be viewed on Parent Square. It is important that you read this publication to keep informed of school happenings. The content of the newsletter is intended to inform parents of current school activities, events, awards, PTA, and district news. We make it a point to include pertinent, helpful information that you want and need to know. We ask that parents read the Lincoln Log and make note of early release days and other important information.
Open House – Open House is held each spring and provides an opportunity for students and parents to visit the classrooms together, talk with the teacher, and view some of the work students have completed during the school year. Parents and community are welcome to circulate throughout the campus buildings to see various classes and programs. Teachers are not available during this time for individual conferencing.
Dress Code
Lincoln Elementary School follows the dress code policy set forth in District Board Policy 5132:
Students shall not be prohibited from dressing in a manner consistent with their gender identity or gender expression or with their religious or cultural observance. In addition, the dress code shall not discriminate against students based on hair texture and protective hairstyles, including, but not limited to, braids, locks, and twists. (Education Code 212.1)
The principal or designee is authorized to enforce this policy and shall inform any student who does not reasonably conform to the dress code. The dress code shall not be enforced in a manner that discriminates against a particular viewpoint or results in a disproportionate application of the dress code based on students' gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, household income, or body type or size.
School administrators, teachers, and other staff shall be notified of appropriate and equitable enforcement of the dress code. When practical, students shall not be directed to correct a dress code violation during instructional time or in front of other students. Repeated violations or refusal to comply with the district's dress code may result in disciplinary action.
Electronic Devices
Cellular Phones - Cellular phones must be turned off during the school day, including recess and lunch and must be kept in the student’s backpack at all times. Failure to abide by this policy may result in the cellular phone being confiscated and the loss of cell phone possession privileges at the discretion of the site administrator. (California Education Code Section 48901.5)
Homework Guidelines
Homework expectations may differ for each grade level.
Provide a regular time and a quiet place for your child to do his/her work, be available to help when asked, and review the finished work. If your child has a great deal of difficulty doing the work, let the teacher know by note or phone. Make reading a daily family activity.
Homework During Absences – Requests for homework when a child is absent may be made on the second day of absence. Please leave a voicemail or email request directly with the teacher. Please call in no later than 11:00 a.m. on the day the homework is requested, so that teachers have ample time to prepare materials. Homework may be picked up in the school office after school on the day requested. When a student will be absent for 5-10 days a request for an independent study form should completed in the office 2 weeks in advance. This will allow the office and the teacher to prepare for the absence. Late independent study requests may be denied. Unfinished independent study packets will still count for the number of absences defined.
In Case of Emergency
Emergency, Illness, or Injury – In the case of a medical emergency occurring at school during a non-disaster school day, the school will try to contact a parent. If the parent is unavailable, the emergency contact person listed on the enrollment card will be called. In order to best serve your child, please be certain to notify the office of any new phone numbers or emergency contact names.
Emergencies—Fire, Earthquake, Evacuation – In case of an emergency, please do not call the school. We must keep our phone lines open for emergency communications. We are on an immediate telephone alert system with our district office. If phones are out of order, there is a backup radio system. Staff members are CPR and /or First Aid certified. Student Emergency Cards will be used for identification for each child. If evacuation becomes necessary, the instructions on the Emergency Release Card will be followed. It is imperative that you always keep all information up to date on this card.
Parents should develop an evacuation plan with their children and be sure that children understand it in detail. In case of an emergency, traffic conditions may prohibit the use of cars, so parents may need to park a distance away and walk to the school. A Student Release Center will be set up on the blacktop. Please follow the procedures below:
- Bring photo identification with you, as no student will be released to an adult unless they are properly identified.
- When you arrive on campus, follow instructions and signs to Student Release. If possible, we recommend walking to campus, as our parking lots might be blocked off for emergency vehicles only.
- We can only release students to adults who are on their enrollment/health card and have a photo ID! Please take this opportunity to update your child's emergency contact information in the school office. You'll want to consider people who might be closest to Lincoln, in case you cannot get to school. Consider adding neighbors or other parents who might be able to walk here.
Both the district and the school have disaster plans in place. Fire, earthquake, and lockdown drills are practiced regularly. The school’s Disaster Preparedness Plan is updated each year.
Lost and Found
All articles found on the grounds or in the building will be put in the Lost and Found bin located outside to the side of the front office. Tiny articles and cash are kept in the office. Marking the child’s clothing and personal belongings will help get the item back to the child. Unclaimed clothing items are donated to charity.
Lunch Program
During the 2022-23 school year, school lunches will be free for all students. Teachers will take a hot lunch count in the morning. Please have a conversation with your child regarding whether they will be getting a hot lunch or not. We are trying to reduce food waste, so students should be encouraged to take only what they will eat. A monthly menu listing what will be served will be sent home with your child. Vegetarian lunches are available. Students ordering a vegetarian lunch will be given a ticket that must be presented when lunch is purchased in order to receive the vegetarian entrée. Lunches are prepared at a central location in the district and delivered to each school based on a lunch count that is taken daily in each classroom. Students may also bring a lunch from home. In addition, breakfast items are served during recess, at no cost to families.
Lunch Time
All students are expected to sit with their class at the assigned table for the designated 15 minutes of the lunch period. Students should eat their own food. There is no trading. Lunches from home should not contain any glass or knives. Aluminum cans should be placed in the recycling bin. Students are expected to eat their own lunch using good manners and wait to be dismissed by the noon duty supervisor.
Lunches and All Other Items
Lunches or ANY items dropped off – Our policy is that all items can be put on the lunch/item cart that is located right outside the office. Lunches or other items (including homework, books, etc.) may not be delivered to the classroom where such delivery can be disruptive to the instructional program. Please advise your children to check on the rolling cart outside the office any time they do not have their lunch or any item for drop off. Please do not go to the tables or playground and wait for your child at any time.
Medical Information
Injuries, Illness, Medication, Rashes – In the case of an emergency, the school will contact the parent or if the parent is unavailable, the emergency contact person listed on the enrollment card. The school must be notified in the case of any changes of telephone numbers.
Students injured while at school are cared for in the following ways:
- An injury may be inspected by the teacher who may keep the student under observation in the classroom.
- For a more serious injury, the child is sent to the office for first aid.
- The home is routinely notified of a student receiving an injury to the head, whether it appears serious or not.
- The parent will also be notified and asked to come for the child if the student exhibits any of the following:
- Complaints from the child of feeling ill when the child was home the day before or felt ill before coming to school.
- Temperature - If your child has a temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher they must remain at home until he/she has a normal 98.6 degree temperature for 24 hours without the use of a fever reducing medication.
- Nausea or vomiting – Students must remain at home until free of symptoms for at least 24 hours if they have vomited.
- Diarrhea – Students must remain at home until free of symptoms for at least 24 hours.
- Evidence of a communicable disease such as a rash, swelling or unusual sore throat.
- Severe headache
- Spasm or convulsion
- Any severe accident, including a deep cut, possible fracture or dislocation, or any accident requiring immediate medical attention.
- Conjunctivitis – pink eye
- Undiagnosed rash – Rashes need to be verified by your doctor that they are non-contagious; a note is needed.
- Continuous coughing or runny nose.
No child is sent home until the parent or emergency contact is contacted and transportation arranged. Transportation is the responsibility of the parent.
If a student is sent home from school for feeling ill, the child may not return that day. A doctor’s note for absences over five (5) days is required. This may be 5 separate absences, so we recommend getting a doctors note for each visit.
A school nurse is on call during the school day. The office staff has been trained in first aid procedures. In the case of a very serious injury or medical issue, 911 will be called, and you will be notified to come to the school. Should no one be available on the emergency card, your child may be transported to the nearest hospital via ambulance with school staff.
Medication – No medication, including aspirin, may be administered by school personnel unless written approval has been given by a physician and parent. Many medications can be timed so that they can be given at home by a parent. If it is necessary for the child to have over the counter or prescription medication at school, the required permission form must be filled out and signed by both the parent and the physician. All medication must be kept in its original labeled container and will be locked in the medicine cabinet in the office. All student medications must be kept in the office.
Head Lice – Head lice can happen to anyone, anywhere. Please report any case of head lice to the office. Cleanliness does not seem to be a significant factor; lice are attracted to ALL children. You will seldom see the lice themselves. The symptom is an itchy head. Look for the tiny white eggs (nits) attached to a strand of hair. After treatment, district policy requires that children not be allowed to return to school until all nits have been removed. Students must be checked in the office before returning to class.
Medical/Dental Appointments or Early Check Out – Please make appointments before or after school hours. On occasion parents find it necessary to pick up their children prior to the regular dismissal time. When this happens, parents must come to the office and sign the student out. Please wait in the office until your child is called from the classroom. This is less disruptive to the class. Students will not be released to anyone during the school day that is not indicated on their enrollment/health card, and students are never released from the classroom. You must come to the office.
The office hours are from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on school days, unless otherwise posted for a training or special event. The telephone will be answered during those hours and someone will be available to assist you. You can reach the office personnel at (408) 252-4798. During non-school hours, a message may be left. Students and parents should enter and exit the office from the front door only.
Students may use the school phone for emergencies only. Generally, forgotten homework, books, milk money, lunches, etc. are not considered emergencies. The phones need to be kept available for school business.